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Before we had weather reports, our ancestors would study moon phases to determine the best time to plant their crops. Few people realize the huge effect the moon has on our lives; and if you follow its phases and plan your actions around them, you will soon discover that by taking the appropriate action at the right time you can create your own destiny.  


As women, we have additional senses of rhythm that connect us to the cycles of the moon. Each month, a woman’s body has the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate itself through her menses. It used to be in traditional cultures, that women would menstruate together during the dark night of the new moon. During this time they would gather to support one another in a journey of deep introspection.   


We live in a world of duality - masculine and feminine.  It is what the ancient Chinese Taoism refers to as Yin and Yang – a world of opposites; and for each of us to be in balance, we need to be connected to both.  In our present, modern world, we have been living under the influence of the sun since the Roman Empire created the solar calendar.    The Lunar Cycle and Calendar has all but been forgotten, except for the indigenous traditions.


It is time for women to reconnect to this lunar cycle within us, to the natural flow of Nature,  as the growing cycle on the earth, to go within to connect to the our Sacred Feminine, our unique creative expression, our Authentic Self and our purpose in being here. We can then bring it into balance with our Sacred Masculine, to bring our authenticity and unique creative expression and gifts out into the world to be manifest.   


Following the lunar cycle and bringing it into balance with the solar is a way of living – not a religion in any form.  One can still call on "God" or the "Supreme Being" in whatever form or persona speaks to you in setting your intention to work through a particular lunar cycle – the cycle is just another aspect of the life of duality that we experience in physical form and that needs to be acknowledged and embraced – as in needing both a man and woman to create a new life.  When we celebrate and embrace these two polarities within us, we are then able to create a “new life” for ourselves by being able to manifest fully our passion and life purpose and find a life of joy and fulfillment.


A Woman's Monthly Journey
Living by the Phases of the Lunar Cycle


Please join us as we come together in sisterhood for a monthly journey to support each other as we reconnect to living our lives through the Lunar Cycle and Moon Phases.  We come together twice a month to stand together in support of each other. The first is at the New Moon, as we set our intention for that Cycle in an Ancient Moon Ceremony.  During the month, you will be keeping a daily "moon journal" of your inner work, meditations and experiences during the month.  We come together again, as a group again for the Moon Opposite (halfway through the cycle) to support and reinforce your intention and commitment as you continue on your individual journeys.   There will also be a private Facebook group where you can connect with each other, and where Kaleo Nahenahe will be checking in daily to see how everyone is doing and answer questions and give suggestions as needed.    This is very much a private and personal journey, while also experiencing the support and Sisterhood of the other women going through this journey with you.


There will also be an opportunity in the near future to join a 13 month journey, to experience

the lunar cycle in action through following the 13 moons of a lunar year. 

Intention will be set at the first New Moon for what you choose to manifest in your life

throughout the "year", with each cycle building on the previous.    


The Monthly Lunar Cycle Journeys will be starting

with the New Moon on Saturday, August 27th

from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

at the EnerBalance Healing Wellness Center

Greenville SC

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