Kaleo Wheeler
A Dynamic Speaker & Storyteller
Kaleo's Press Kit

Kaleo Wheeler is a dynamic force in the world of Women’s Spiritual Transformation. 2024 is said to be the year of abundance, unlimited possibilities, and balance - and the Year of the Feminine, and Kaleo is committed, even more so this year, to guiding women on their transformational journey to radiate and Shine Your Light out to the world as a Woman Empowered.
With the unique, one-of-a-kind system she created - The Heart of Aloha with its Spiritual Transformation Program, Kaleo pioneers the way for women to Embrace their Hidden Dreams and craft a new lifestyle that embodies living a life moment to moment overflowing in Joy & Positivity & Infinite Possibilities.
When Kaleo speaks and shares her stories, audiences find themselves becoming totally involved with her as she is fully present in the world of the story she is sharing. She draws the audience in to open their hearts and be an integral part of the whole experience as she paints a picture of a world that embraces a mindset and lifestyle that embodies living in love, unity, positivity, and joy in every moment. It is a transformational experience for women to recognize they have full control over their lives and can create anything they choose – including the world and life they so passionately desire.
With over 35+ years in the field of women’s spiritual transformation, Kaleo has evolved from first being involved on a personal level in looking for healing for herself from early trauma and negative conditioning, to then being on a quest to understand the human condition as a woman in today's world, to now being a Spiritual Thought Leader and Awakening Guide to Women. She speaks, performs and shares her stories for women’s groups, organizations and other venues throughout the US and Canada - and now also virtually online. Kaleo helps women through private and group mentoring programs and in trainings. Her group mentoring are sacred circles where women can meet in a safe space to support each other in sisterhood and spiritual partnership. She is also contributing author of the book, The Complete Guide to Acupressure and a recording artist with her CD, Ulana, The Way of the Heart.

A List of Specific Venues where Kaleo Has Shared Her Message: Speaking and Teaching include: The Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY Unity Churches, Unitarian Universalist and The Center for Spiritual Living Churches in US & Canada Jubilee Community Church, Asheville NC Artist in Residence Grant Programs in Schools throughout South Carolina Wellness & Health Centers in the US & Canada, including: The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center, Bloomington IN; The Black Mountain Center for the Arts, Black Mountain NC and Institut du Ciel de la Terre, Montreal Quebec Canada Healing Arts and Massage Schools include: Suncoast School of Massage Healing Hands Massage School, Cayce/Reilly School of Massage Atlanta School of Massage Department of Veterans Affairs for Staff Members, Johnson City TN College and Universities, include: Shenandoah University, Winchester VA East Tennessee State University, Johnson City TN Eckerd College, St. Petersburg FL Private Groups and Organizations include: Fibromyalgia Support Group Johnson City TN The Heart Matters Group, Spartanburg SC The Prisma Cancer Institute Support Community Greenville SC The Women’s Empowerment Network Kiawanis clubs Rotary Clubs ABWA Women’s Group Libraries Performing Venues include: Caesar’s Palace – Las Vegas Chateau Frontenac – Quebec Canada Soloist for weddings and funerals and art gallery openings Senior Residences throughout the Eastern, Southeast and Midwest US Cabaret, nightclub and music theatre throughout US and Canad, including: Catch a Rising Star Comedy Club, New York City The Title Role in the Musical, Mame, St. Petersburg FL Recording Artist: Solo CD – Ulana the Way of the Heart Vocalist on several Meditation CD’s and Demos for Composers
Press Materials: Click on the Speaker One Sheet and Kaleo's Bio to download. Double Click on Kaleo's Headshots.
For podcast interviews: contact me at kaleowheeler@gmail.com if you'd like to have me on your show.
Let's collaborate! If you are looking to Step Into Your Greatness and Be Your True Self to Create Your Chosen & Best Life, I'd love to work with you!

Call or Text Email
864-729-3065 theheartofaloha3@gmail.com