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Harmonizing Your Personal Energy &
the Energy of Your Environment 

Kalana Hula is a Moving Meditation and Energy Dance of Ancient Hawaiian Spiritual Wisdom, designed to harmonize your personal energy as well as the energy of your environment.  It is a spiritual practice, as well as a dance with its flowing movements,  that aligns your Mind (Mana'o) and your Heart/Emotions (Pu'uwai) with your Spirit (Na'au).


Kalana Hula comes from the teachings of Serge Kahili King and his ancient Kahili 'Ohana (family) lineage from the island of Kaua'i.  


Similar to traditional Sacred Hula, this form has rhythmic movements and chant. What is different is that the Kalana hula also brings in the ancient Hawaiian martial art of Lua, similar to the Chinese Tai Chi.  The form brings and balances the energy of Nature around us, as well as bringing our mind and heart into oneness - with both helping us to increase and focus our energy to bring us back into Pono (perfection and Oneness) and into our Self-Greatness.


This meditation class is offered once a month to help to deepen your understanding and experience of the movements and form 


Classes held in person at the Love & Light Healing Collective, 818 E. Main Street in Spartanburg and online on Zoom


Dates and Times: TBA


Fee: $25


Instructor:  Kaleo Wheeler

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